From ‘Sopa’ to Fluent: A Year of Learning Spanish in Madrid
Growing up in California with years of Spanish classes can make you think you're ready to live in Spain, but real fluency comes not from classes or textbooks. Rather, it comes from embracing the awkward moments and making mistakes. Read (UC Santa Barbara) Aileen Pulchney's humorous and honest adventures of learning to speak Spanish in Madrid.
The 4 H’s of Study Abroad: Honeymoon, Hostility, Humor, and Home
Studying abroad is a roller coaster of emotions and experiences. Read the advice shared by Tanesia Williams (UC Santa Cruz) regarding the 4 H's of study abroad: honeymoon, hostility, humor, and home to better understand the experience.
It’s the Firenze We Make Along the Way
Trey Timberlake, a gay man from Palm Springs, California, challenged his childhood feelings of isolation and otherness as well as his fear of masculinity while studying abroad in Florence, Italy. See why Trey describes study abroad as the most transformative experience of his life.
What Four Months in Paris Taught Me: Lessons in Culture, Politics, Society and Self-Discovery
Gigi Engalla asked a well-traveled stranger for advice on the American study abroad experience and received a prophetic response. The lessons she learned about culture, politics and society on four months in Paris lead to unexpected self-discovery.
Furthering my mother’s legacy through study abroad
Why study abroad for a year? Typically, a full year abroad is the cheapest option - something that Katia Griffin learned when she decided to further her mother's legacy by living abroad as she did.