The 4 H’s of Study Abroad: Honeymoon, Hostility, Humor, and Home
Studying abroad is a roller coaster of emotions and experiences. Read the advice shared by Tanesia Williams (UC Santa Cruz) regarding the 4 H's of study abroad: honeymoon, hostility, humor, and home to better understand the experience.
Top 6 Reasons to Study Abroad in Summer
Summer study abroad programs offer the perfect introduction to international education. In just four to eight weeks, you can experience the transformative benefits of studying abroad while managing your time away from home, school, and jobs. See why summer might be the ideal time for you to study abroad.
Making Study Abroad Affordable: A Guide by UC Students Who’ve Done it
Join three UC Berkeley students as they reveal how they made study abroad affordable - from navigating Singapore's expensive city life to stretching financial aid across two semesters in Europe. Their practical guide covers everything from choosing the right program and finding affordable housing to managing daily expenses abroad.
6 Tips to Overcome Impostor Syndrome on Study Abroad
What does it take to shake off impostor syndrome and shush your inner critic? Read the practical steps that Natalie Glennon (UC Santa Barbara), a financially challenged first-generation student, implemented to overcome impostor syndrome and make the most of her study abroad experience in the Netherlands.
Big Ben and Little Wins: Lessons from a Brief Summer in London
What can you get out of a short academic program abroad? Turns out, you can learn a lot in three weeks! Divyanshi Saha (UC San Diego) says studying abroad is not just about academics - it's about stepping out of your comfort zone, making memories, and discovering who you are in the process.