DON’T FORGET TO PACK All the sun protection!
Australia’s sun can be intense, so don’t forget to pack sunglasses and a hat to be safe when exploring the beautiful outdoors.

You’ll need versatile clothing too—think layers. Brisbane’s weather can vary, so pack light layers that can be easily adapted to changing conditions. Also, a good pair of comfortable walking shoes are a must. And don’t forget your travel adapters! Ensure you have the right ones to power your electronic devices. Australia uses Type I plugs with three flat pins in a triangular pattern.

BEST LEFT AT HOME Heavy winter clothing

Brisbane’s climate is generally warm, temperate, and tropical, even in winter. Heavy winter clothing like bulky coats are unnecessary unless you travel to cities in the south or countries like New Zealand. Instead, focus on lightweight layers for cooler evenings. Consider leaving behind non-essential electronics such as curling irons and electric toothbrushes. If you must bring them, ensure that your electrical appliances are compatible with Australia’s voltage and plug type.

WHERE TO LIVE On-campus resident halls! For the most immersive experience, I highly recommend staying in the University of Queensland Colleges. For a more independent experience, you can find student apartments in the Central Brisbane District or Toowong.

BEST EATS NEAR CAMPUS Australians are known for their love for coffee, and the best bite in between classes is Bagel Boys on campus. They make the best Aussie-style bagel sandwiches, and everyone I met raved about them.

FAVORITE AUSTRALIAN ACTIVITY Exploring the markets that adorn the University of Queensland campus and the towns in Australia quickly became my favorite local activity. Each visit is unique, from colorful stalls brimming with fresh produce to artisan crafts and international cuisine.

WHERE TO STUDY There are so many places so study on campus, whether that be in one of the libraries, outdoor tables, or small study rooms, UQ really has it all.

MUST-TRY LOCAL DISHES Meat Pies: A quintessential Aussie comfort food, the meat pie is a savory pastry filled with minced meat (often beef), gravy, and sometimes onions. It’s commonly enjoyed as a quick meal or snack.
Vegemite on Toast: While it may not be to everyone’s taste, Vegemite is an iconic Australian spread.
When spread thinly on toast with butter, it creates a salty and savory breakfast.
Tim Tams: These chocolate-covered biscuits are beloved by Australians and come in various flavors.

BEST PHOTO OP Kangaroo Point offers the ultimate lookout point for stunning photos overlooking the Brisbane River, showcasing the city’s gorgeous skyline at sunset.

BEST LOCAL EVENT For sports enthusiasts, attending a game at the Gabba, Brisbane’s iconic cricket ground, or Suncorp Stadium, home to rugby and soccer matches, provides a fun experience and a chance to immerse yourself in the local sports culture.

BIGGEST FAIL Probably when I misunderstood the local transportation system and got on the wrong bus, leading to a hilarious yet slightly stressful adventure trying to navigate my way back. The public transportation in Australia is very convenient, offering buses, trains, and trams. It turned out to be a valuable lesson in communication and adaptability, reminding me to always double-check directions and ask for help when needed. Luckily, Aussies are known for being helpful!

MOST INTERESTING CLASSES For those interested in the many cultures of Australia,
sign up for Introduction to Torres Strait Islander Studies or any other Aboriginal Studies class.
For a hands-on and collaborative experience, take a Fundamentals of Marketing class.
For those wanting to learn everything about the history of Australia: The Australian Experience.

BEST PART OF THE PROGRAM Living at one of the university colleges was the highlight of my study abroad program. Sharing a residence with 300 other Aussies gave unparalleled immersion into their culture. Here, I formed lifelong friendships through late-night chats, weekend adventures, and fun social events that enriched my study abroad journey in ways I never imagined possible.

UNFORGETTABLE WEEKEND TRIPS I can’t recommend enough that you explore Sydney, Melbourne, Cairns, and the iconic surf spots! Sydney’s stunning harbor and dynamic city life provide endless opportunities for adventure and cultural immersion. Melbourne’s eclectic atmosphere and rich arts scene made it a must-visit destination as Australia’s largest city! Diving in Cairns was a highlight of my trip, offering the breathtaking beauty of the Great Barrier Reef. For surf enthusiasts, chasing waves at Noosa, Byron Bay, and Burleigh Heads was an absolute dream, embodying the laid-back coastal lifestyle that defines Australian culture.

BONUS PRO TIP Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and explore everything Australia has to offer! While it’s an English-speaking country, often compared to the US, the adventures awaiting you are truly unique. Studying abroad in Australia was the best decision I’ve ever made, and it taught me the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone, embracing new opportunities, and making the most of every moment.

Dorienne Larbig profile picture

Dorienne Larbig

Study Abroad Program: University of Queensland
Program Location: Brisbane, Australia
Other Countries Visited: Indonesia (Bali), New Zealand
Home University: UC Santa Barbara
Major: Economics
Year: Senior

Dorienne was inspired to study abroad in Australia for the adventure of exploring stunning landscapes and exciting cities. Immersing in a new culture was a dream come true, and she realized how interconnected our world is and the importance of embracing diversity. Living in a new country pushed her out of her comfort zone and allowed her to become independent. Since returning, she’s integrated the global perspective she gained into her daily life, seeking diverse viewpoints and applying innovative approaches to her studies and professional endeavors. Dorienne’s time in Brisbane influences and inspires her every day. As she enters her fourth year at UCSB, she continues to draw on the invaluable experiences and lessons from her study abroad journey.