How To Talk With Your Family About Study Abroad
Three UC students share heartfelt advice on navigating family concerns about study abroad, especially for first-generation and Hispanic students. Drawing from personal experience, they offer a step-by-step guide to transform parental worry into support, emphasizing how thoughtful planning and open communication can help students pursue their dreams while honoring family bonds.
A Journey Inward: How Daily Journaling Leads to Personal Growth
How will you record the once-in-a-lifetime journey that is study abroad? Alex Masci (UC Berkeley) decided to rely on an a familiar technique: journaling, and in the process discovered how writing helped her achieve personal growth. Each entry is a testament to the power of journaling, capturing the most exciting moments and those subtle moments of growth and reflection all in the pages of a journal.
The 4 H’s of Study Abroad: Honeymoon, Hostility, Humor, and Home
Studying abroad is a roller coaster of emotions and experiences. Read the advice shared by Tanesia Williams (UC Santa Cruz) regarding the 4 H's of study abroad: honeymoon, hostility, humor, and home to better understand the experience.
6 Tips to Overcome Impostor Syndrome on Study Abroad
What does it take to shake off impostor syndrome and shush your inner critic? Read the practical steps that Natalie Glennon (UC Santa Barbara), a financially challenged first-generation student, implemented to overcome impostor syndrome and make the most of her study abroad experience in the Netherlands.
An Introvert Overseas: A Shy Person’s Guide to Studying Abroad
If you're a shy, introverted person, could you travel almost 6,000 miles away from home to study abroad on your own? Francesca Casimiro (UC Berkeley) did and you can too. Read her story and learn how you can too.